Canadians Ryan and Kirsten Kurvits arrived in Mexico a year ago. They are in the process of culture and language acquisition. Over that time, Ryan writes about the highlights they have experienced: five visits to the immigration offices, four piñatas struck by their two children, one graduation, one funeral, one wedding, two snow days, four other Mexican states visited, four tire punctures and two traffic stops (one just so the officer could meet a Canadian!). He said, “Throughout all these unique moments, there was the overall grind of learning Spanish and national culture. … Thousands of hours, thousands of mistakes, thousands of words learned, many laughs, many tears, many God-given encounters and friends. I thought we would have more comical language moments we could share with you, but most of our mistakes aren’t comical. They just look like us saying something that isn’t understood well and finding ourselves in awkward silences. At the same time, the patience and willingness of people to listen to us and work hard to understand us has been humbling. People here have been so, so kind and eager to help us.” Pray for the Kurvitses as they have a language evaluation this month. Send a note of encouragement to Ryan and Kirsten.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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