A Foundation to Be Laid

Before there even was an organization known as “New Tribes Mission,” Paul Fleming had a passionate desire to go to the unreached people groups in Sumatra. His desire was “to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest

[he] should build on another man’s foundation” (Romans 15:20).

Building on That Foundation

Former NTM building

In July of 1942, Paul Fleming and three other men began New Tribes Mission, laying the foundation for a pioneering-style organization to reach into areas of the world where the gospel had not been heard.

It has been almost 75 years since that foundation was laid. Thousands have gone out under the auspices of New Tribes Mission, and the light of the gospel has been shared with thousands more.

Take Heed How We Build

Tribal house in the jungle

Paul Fleming’s passion was infectious; everyone he spoke to felt the flame. That passion needs to flood our hearts and make us increasingly aware of the needs of this world.

As the Word of God is taken to the dark regions of the world, the foundation of the gospel of Jesus Christ is laid before the eyes of the unreached, truth is proclaimed and, by God’s grace, another thriving church is built on that foundation.