Carrots can be good for spiritual sight too. Missionaries Jim and Joy Elliot are studying the culture and language of the Morop people. Their tribal location is very remote and they are dependent on NTM Aviation for supplies.

The supply flight arrives every three months, bringing fresh fruits and vegetables and other necessities.

“As I was giving our kids a snack,” wrote Joy, “I told them, ‘You better enjoy this, because it’s the last carrot you will get till January.'”

Eight-year-old Alina and 5-year-old Micaiah savored every bite of “the last carrots.”

A few days later a plane landed with materials for a local government project. The pilot had taken time to shop for Jim and Joy and brought them watermelon, oranges, cabbage, lettuce and all sorts of fresh wonderful things, and of course carrots.

“It was such a huge treat for us, and it was so nice to get some fresh food again,” wrote Joy. “It was again a reminder to me that God really does care for us and that He does lay it on the hearts of His people to be a blessing to those around them.”

“The Lord is so good. He keeps us in His care even when it seems like nothing special could possibly happen in the middle of nowhere on a Thursday morning — out of the blue we get more carrots. Micaiah said to me, ‘Mom, God knew that you were wrong when you said no more carrots till January.’ I guess in this case I like to be wrong for a change.”

Pray for Jim and Joy as they study the Morop culture and language, that they will remain diligent in their studies so that they may one day present the Gospel to the Morop people.