Teaching in the village has gone really well … and tonight and tomorrow night are the last two nights of teaching for a while.

Tonight we will be teaching through the betrayal and trial of Christ and tomorrow night we will be teaching the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.

Testimonies of changed thinking

The group we have been teaching has been very eager to learn and very open with questions that have come to their minds as we have moved through the story from creation to Christ. One of the village leaders has stood up a number of times and told everyone he has been wrong in his thinking and has taught his family wrong when teaching them traditional ways that are not in line with God’s words. Another leader stood up and said that he realized that Christianity is not about coming to church and doing. It’s about having a right relationship with God that starts with our thinking. He said that wherever he is, he needs to be comparing his thinking with truth from the Word to see if they line up. Another person stood up and said that he realized he is just like the Israelites. Even if he had walked through the Red Sea himself, he would still have a tendency to forget God’s faithfulness and love when times get hard.

God’s Word is so powerful and our Nivacle friends who have consistently attended the teaching three nights a week since May are grasping truth. On a couple of occasions I have taught for less than an hour and a half and every time they have got up and said, “Well, I guess we are done early tonight. We could have sat here and listened for so much longer.”

Please pray

Please pray for us the next two nights as we finish teaching through the life of Christ and what He did for us. We are so excited to see what God does in the lives of those who have heard truth clearly taught for the first time. Praise God for His faithfulness.