Well, the honest truth is that we have been floating on air today, otherwise we might have been able to send out an update sooner! After I (Shaun) taught through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus last night, I concluded by sharing these thoughts with our Nivacle friends: “But each of you need to think about the things we have all studied. You really need to believe that Jesus has forgiven you of your sins. Don’t believe in other things to save you from eternal suffering. I tell you this because I love you guys and I don’t want any Nivacle to go to Hell. Where is your soul headed when you die?”


I had barely finished talking when one Nivacle man said,

“I am so happy to know that the moment that I chose to trust Christ is the moment I entered God’s family, there was nothing left that was needed.”

Another Nivacle said,

“I have learned so much, and I have a lot left to learn, but I am happy to know what true salvation is now.”

And another said,

“I am so happy to learn about salvation and I know now that even the smallest thing we do wrong makes us guilty before God. And that my personal sin is what Christ suffered on the cross for. I had believed for so long what was untrue and taught my children wrong, but I am so happy you have come and shared the truth of God’s Word to us, in our own language.”

WOW!! We are totally overwhelmed with thankfulness that some of our friends have accepted Jesus as their Saviour! What a privilege it is be a part of seeing God building His church among the Nivacle. We are so very grateful to each one of you for your prayers, love, and encouragement!