Missionaries Kevin and Sherry Miles take every opportunity to reach others with the Gospel.

Their home was burglarized so they began a search for a responsible and faithful guard. That’s when they met Roy. He soon became a good friend who was always happy to help the family.

Roy and his mother were the sole support for his younger brothers and sisters. He worked very hard as a night guard at several different places to provide for their education and other needs.

He then enrolled at a small Bible school a few miles away. But the travel expenses and cost of the school were more than he could manage and he dropped out.

So Kevin offered to share evangelistic Bible teaching with Roy. Roy guards the international school in town from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. He comes to Kevin’s house for teaching at 7:30 each night.

“It has been challenging,” Kevin wrote, “as I am tired by that point of the day but it has been so rewarding.”

As Kevin taught chronologically through the Bible, Roy was like a “kid in a candy store” as they explored together truths he had never understood, especially in the life of Christ. There were so many new things that just blew his mind and a new appreciation for Christ’s love for him began to blossom.

“Today,” Kevin wrote, “Roy continues to grow in his understanding of the truth.”

They have studied through the ascension of Christ and are now studying the book of Acts. Pray for Roy as he apprehends these new truths and that he will hunger to know God better and better.