new missionaries in a group photo

Pre-field Orientation

There’s a place for your career experience on the church planting team, helping missionaries serving in remote villages—people who rely on other dedicated missionaries who support their work.
Associate missionaries can serve anywhere from six months to four years and beyond. Each year we provide an orientation for new associates. Over the last three years, we have had Canadian associates serve in Papua New Guinea, Mexico, the USA, England and Canada.

The orientation is designed to help the associate missionary live and minister successfully in Canada or abroad. It does this by exploring the needed skills for developing a ministry support team, understanding the core values of Ethnos Canada, recognizing the distinctives in Ethnos Canada’s strategy in world missions, becoming aware of the dynamics of living overseas, building and maintaining healthy relationships, meeting and becoming friends with others joining Ethnos Canada, and encouraging personal and spiritual growth.

Filipino man speaking at Bible dedication service

The Kalanguya Bible

The Kalanguya (Philippines) New Testament with Genesis and Exodus was translated by Bob Ambrosius and printed in 1983.

After a revision and reprinting of the New Testament in 2001, two Kalanguya mother tongue translators were further trained to translate the remainder of the Old Testament. With Bob as their mentor and consul- tant, they completed the Old Testament translation in 2018.

Now work is almost com- plete on a second revision of the New Testament, includ- ing footnotes and cross references to reflect the relationship of Old and New Testaments. A digital man- uscript was in the hands of the printer in July, with expectations that the Bibles will be in print by the fall of this year.

You can help to get the Kalanguya Bible printed: kalanguya-bible-printing/

West African man practicing his writing

Palaka Literacy Updates

Verne and Denny Johnson have been ministering among the Palaka people
in West Africa. With Bible translation moving along well in the Palaka language, during October and November, the Johnsons and the rest of the team will focus on writing literacy curriculum so that people can learn to read the trans- lated Word of God. It will also be a time for literacy consultants to be further trained and gain experience so they can help other teams with literacy.

The Johnsons said, “We just returned from a trip to the big city where our team met with a large group of Palaka men, all unsaved. Our intent was to engage with and invite these educated workers into the literacy push we are making this year. They were thrilled with what has already been done in their language. They requested written materials for themselves and for their children who are losing a grasp on their mother tongue. They said that they could not thank all of us enough for all we are doing for them in their language and are eager for us to return next time with books to sell to them sometime after our workshop in November.”

PNG woman in front of

Translations Completed

Praise the Lord for the recently completed New Testament translations. They have run the gauntlet of multiple consultant checks, comprehension checks and spelling checks. And each one represents not only years of Bible transla- tion, but also evangelism, continued discipleship and literacy training. With joy we announce that the Tigak and the Mengen translations (both from Papua New Guinea) have been completed and will soon be on their way to be formatted for printing.

helicopter being shipped

Helicopter Updates

There are two ongoing projects for helicopter purchases along with land, buildings and permissions. As of August 7, the Philippine helicopter project needs only $158,457 to purchase their helicopter; the one for Brazil needs $916,317 to complete their project. Thanks to all of you who have given to see these two aircraft purchased.

Doug standing in front of shelf with many Bibles he helped to print

New Testaments Printed

Doug Lotz is the missionary in the USA home office who prepares the New Testament translations digitally to be sent to the printers. Three translations have passed through Doug’s office in Sanford, Florida recently. These are the Bulongish from West Africa, the Tepehuan from Mexico and the Kuman from Papua New Guinea. After going through the printing and binding processes, they will be shipped to their final destinations for delivery to the churches. Praise the Lord with us as His Word is translated into these heart languages.

Lolo man reading the Bible

Earlier this year, the Lolo Bibles were shipped to Mozambique. The Lolo believers now have the Scriptures in their own hands!