hands at a keyboard

Online Classes at Ethnos360 Bible Institute

Ethnos360 Bible Institute now offers online classes in addition to traditional on-campus classes. The Bible Institute staff decided to add online classes in order to make their Bible courses more accessible. These college-level online classes last 5-15 weeks, depending on the number of credit hours (1-3) in the course. Each credit hour only costs $75. Online students can view class videos at will, turn in assignments and interact with their instructors and other students using Populi, an online classroom software. Ethnos360 Bible Institute is proud to offer these new courses and hopes that they will allow many new students to have access to core Bible teaching.

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Compel podcast logo

New Missions Podcast for Women

Women of simple faith and great courage have often been the first to respond to the call to take the gospel to some of the most remote and isolated villages on earth. To see a thriving church established, we need not only God’s Word in the heart language but also women to disciple women in their walk with Christ.

In October 2019, Ethnos Canada launched a missions podcast for women, Compel. Hear from homeschooling moms, women Bible translators and church planters. Hear the stories of the faithful and persevering service of women that help advance the gospel message.

The Compel podcast exists to engage Canadian women with the biblical basis for missions and connect them to ordinary women who are serving around the world sharing God’s heart for the nations. Our desire is to come alongside our sisters in this journey, and share how women can be involved in spreading the gospel story to the ends of the earth.

Listen to the Compel podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or at compelpodcast.ca.

missionary woman chats while holding baby

New Bible Teachings in Papua New Guinea

Early in 2020, the Amdu, Pei and Wantakia people groups in Papua New Guinea began hearing Bible teaching for the first time in their languages. The Bible teaching walks each group chronologically through the Bible in 70 lessons, helping them understand clearly God’s love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. The missionaries teach several times a week and will continue for a few more months, culminating in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Please keep the missionaries and the Amdu, Pei and Wantakia peoples in your prayers. Perhaps we will soon be able to celebrate many new brothers and sisters in Christ!

Elseng girl practices writing on a chalkboard

Literacy for the Elseng People

Late in 2019, the first ever literacy course among the Elseng people of Asia Pacific began. This is the first time any Elseng people are learning to read and write in their heart language, since their language was previously unwritten. Taught by Carolyn Rowan and Scott and Natasha Flaugher, the literacy classes are attended by a small but faithful group of Elseng people. This literacy course will end in late May, and it is the first step to enabling the attendees to read, study and someday teach the Bible that is even now being translated into their language by Carolyn Rowan.

smiling boy fills water bottle from a pipe

Water Filtration System for Papua New Guinea

Dozens of missionary families live and work at Lapilo, one of Ethnos’ support centres in Papua New Guinea, and the work they do is critical to the success of the church planting ministries in the area. Some twenty years ago, a water filtration system was installed there, providing vital, clean water to the staff and the surrounding community. Unfortunately, the system was not designed for so much use for so long. A replacement was needed and would cost over $87,000. Praise the Lord with us that all the money has been provided, and the new system will be installed.