A new mom recovering from recent surgery and malaria.
Irlei needs the Lord. More than a year ago missionaries Barry and Denise Spor asked that we pray for her salvation.
She is the 17-year-old daughter of Moises and Delifina, strong believers in the Guanano church. He is from the Cubeo people group and she is Guanano. Though the children would be considered Cubeo, Irlei speaks Guanano and so has learned much from the Bible teaching in Guanano. She has understood the Bible teaching but has not yet trusted Christ.
She is married and has a baby and lives with Moises and Delfina.
After Irlei had her baby, complications set in. She had her baby by C-section and was very pale and weak. Missionary Carol Drake went to visit her in the hospital. Andrea, the newborn, is fine, just a perfect little girl. But Irlei has lost a lot of blood, is throwing up and has a fever. Along with her weakened condition, she has contacted malaria. They gave her medication for that but the medication is very strong and difficult to digest.
Delfina and Irlei’s younger sister, Maggie, are caring for little Andrea while Irlei recovers in the hospital. Delfina just had a baby boy and Maggie and her husband, who also live with Moises and Delfina are expecting their first child in about 4 months so caring for the three-week-old keeps the ladies very busy.
When Irlei went to the hospital they told her that she needed to be legally married to Wilson to receive benefits of a soldier’s wife. So while she lay in the hospital Moises and Wilson went to get the needed documents signed.
“Yesterday they gave her a transfusion and that seems to have helped a lot. She looks like she is out of the woods to me. I am so relieved,” wrote missionary Carol Drake.
Would you take time to pray that she and her husband Wilson will come to know the Lord? Please pray also that Irlei will recover completely from the surgery and malaria.