Thirty-five Mois have finished two weeks of a four-month literacy class. This is quite a long-term commitment for the semi-nomadic tribal people.

The main goal of the students, ranging from 12 years of age to 40, is to learn to read God’s Word for themselves. Each day, before and after the class, they pray that God will enable them to learn to read.

“What a reminder to me that ’without Him we can do nothing,’” wrote missionary Carolyn Crockett.

The people’s prayers are a testimony to dependence on God for every need.

There are two classes each day and three literate Moi men — Tepaiye, Bubabo and Tinakaituma — have taken on the task of teaching. Mbameyodeo is assisting them.

While the classes continue, Steve Crockett is doing a translation check with the missionaries laboring among the Wano and Dao people. Just before he left, Steve confessed to one of the Moi believers that he was a little nervous about going to help check the accuracy of God’s Word.

“As if God’s powerful arm is too short — not!” the Moi man encouraged Steve.

Pray for the Moi believers who truly believe that God’s promises are true and that He will do what He says He will do. Pray that they will continue to grow and that their faith in God’s sufficiency will remain firm.