Literacy classes have begun and Moi believers are excited about starting “school.”

Families are coming from other villages to attend classes and build homes in the area and missionaries Stephen and Carolyn Crockett and Rich and Karen Brown are delighted. Twenty-three students are taking a four-month literacy class that Carolyn is teaching.

“God is answering prayers on how to continue with the discipleship needs. Though so many of the believer’s live far away, they are coming to us,” wrote Karen. “Rich and Steve continue to teach the believers twice a week — Rich on Wednesday and Steve on Sunday. We are seeing some very real growth and radical change in the hearts and lives of the people here.”

Rich is writing Bible lessons and is preparing a series of lessons on the book of Acts for future Moi Bible teachers. Steve continues to translate Scripture into the Moi language.

Pray that the Moi people will soon be able to read the Scriptures in their language. Pray for the team of missionaries as they prepare lessons, teach and disciple the Mois.