Stephen and Carolyn Crockett serve among the Moi people in the Asia-Pacific region. Carolyn shares that recently it’s been so thrilling to visit, from a safe distance, the Moi women in their hamlets as they read and study God’s Word. They have a time of prayer and singing too. In a culture where this is not the norm, we see how the gospel has truly changed their hearts. In the words of Weiwa, one of the women, “Today we are going to gather to read the Creator’s Words. My heart is looking forward to that so much that I will not go to the garden today. Food is small. The Creator’s talk is big. I am thinking, ‘thank you, Jesus’ for all you’ve done for us.” Pray for Stephen and Carolyn as they continue to work at translating scripture into the Moi language. Also, for one of their Moi friends who has walked away from the Lord, that he would repent and come back.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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