“We’ve been feeding off the milk of God’s Word for a while, but now are eating meat,” said Kendaya, a Moi believer. “I’ve not heard this teaching before and I don’t want to miss any of it. I’m telling the other believers that they really need to hear this.”

Missionaries Rich and Karen Brown and Steve and Carolyn Crockett are teaching the “meaty” book of Romans to the believers and are delighted to see how the Mois soak in the truths of the Word.

Kendaya and others have absorbed the truth of Romans 8 and now realize the awesome freedom they have in Christ. They know that there is no condemnation for those who trust Christ and their faith in Him is beginning to blossom.

Teaching through Romans and seeing the Mois grasp the truth has encouraged Steve and Rich to take a further step in reaching out. They have been invited to host a three-day seminar for more than 100 national pastors and elders. They want to share their ministry principles with the church leaders and also introduce them to the evangelistic Bible lesson series.

The pastors and elders have expressed a desire for effective discipleship principles and tools and the missionaries want to help in this area. Three Moi believers, including Kendaya, will accompany the missionaries to the seminar to help with the lessons.

Please pray for Steve and Rich as well as the Moi believers who will help with the seminar. Pray also that the church leaders will be better equipped to reach others with the evangelism and discipleship tools provided by the missionaries and that the time will be mutually encouraging and God would be honored through His body.