Would you like to talk with someone from Ethnos in your area?

Want a guest speaker for your small group, church group or Bible study?

Connect with Ethnos missionaries who are preparing to go to the mission field, home from their overseas ministry, or serving in Canada. They would be glad to talk with you or your group, and to develop a relationship.

Click on the portraits to get to know our representatives, or fill out the form below to request a speaker. The more information you provide, the better we’ll be able to serve you.

Terry Banman, Ethnos Canada missionary

Peter and Linda Enns, Ethnos Canada missionaries

Martin and Tammy Lamb, Ethnos Canada missionaries

Doug Harkness, Ethnos Canada missionary

Fill out my online form.

Endorsements for our Speakers

“Through Ethnos, the arms of local North American churches stretch much farther. They help us reach people who have no access to the Gospel.

God magnifies Himself through their many missionaries, so I am always pleased to share the platform with an Ethnos Missionary.”

—Matthew Porter, former Pastor,
Safe Haven Worship Centre,
Pickering, Ontario

“Their heart for the unreached and commitment to reach them is unmatched. The information they shared with us was not only valuable, but passionate…Our church was compelled to partner with Ethnos in taking the gospel to those who have never heard His name!”

—Pastor Jeff Woodcock,
Bridgewater Open Bible Church,
Nova Scotia

“I have personally been touched in a profound way by the sacrifice of Ethnos missionaries who have willingly “denied self” in order to reach lost people throughout the world. When I hear the stories of Ethnos missionaries who have endured to see the Gospel translated into a tribal language, presented in native tongue, and finally resulting in miraculous fruit, I am moved to tears of joy and worship.”

—Dr. Jay P. Klopfenstein, former Lead Pastor,
The Metropolitan Bible Church,
Ottawa, Ontario

“You will be challenged by the reminder that there are still entire people groups who have yet to encounter the Gospel or have the Word of God in their mother tongue. You will be encouraged with reports … of the power of the gospel to change hearts, lives, and villages.”

—David Daniels, former Pastor,
Grace Baptist Church,
Richmond Hill, Ontario