We first went to Papua New Guinea (PNG) in 1989 on a Summit missions trip. God used this trip to bring us into the Mission- ary Training program the next year. After our time in Durham and the Language Institute in Missouri, we moved to PNG as full time missionaries in 1993.

The Sepik region of PNG is covered with many twisting rivers. We liken our journey over the past 20 years to a canoe ride. We never knew what to expect around the next bend, but were confident that the Lord had the whole river in view. We had the privilege of starting a new work among the Pukapuki people.

Because of the needs of our children, we moved out of Pukapuki in 2006 and have been involved in administration in the Highlands of PNG and for the last three years at the Canadian home office in Durham, ON.

The Lord has laid it on our hearts to go back to Pukapuki in July. There is much work ahead of us with the Pukapuki church in discipleship and translation. We know the Lord still has the next bend in sight.

Psalms 139: 9, 10 “If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”