(Rev.) Tim Whatley is the Executive Director of Ethnos Canada, providing encouragement and support to ministry leaders.

He was born in Nova Scotia and raised in the jungles of the Asia Pacific region as a son of a missionary family. He received a BA in Biblical and Intercultural Studies from Ethnos Canada’s missionary training program. Tim served as a church planter in the Moi tribe of the Asia Pacific region, being part of the team to first make contact with them in 2000. Today there is a thriving church in the Moi tribe. Tim uses his experience and passion to challenge the North American church to take an active role in global missions. Tim was in field leadership for 7 years, and in 2010 he was asked to return to Canada to serve as the director of Ethnos Canada’s senior leadership team.

Tim is a member of the International Ethnos Board and also an adjunct speaker for Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. He lives with his wife, Kathy, and their three children just outside of Durham, Ontario. In his spare time he enjoys biking and working on his small hobby farm.

Ethnos Canada began in 1942 as New Tribes Mission and has become one of the largest mission organizations working in Bible translation and church planting worldwide. It remains committed in its focus to reach unreached people groups that have no access to the Gospel. Today Ethnos Canada has approximately 3,000 missionaries serving together with the national church in 30 nations. By God’s grace, a church is being planted amongst a previously unreached people group on average every 45 days, together with a translation of the Bible being completed in their language.