Saskatchewan, Canada

My name is Sydney and I am from small-town Saskatchewan. I grew up in the church and I remember one Sunday when we had a missionary sharing, and I felt this little nudge saying “that is going to be you one day.”

I did not really understand what a missionary did at the time but fast forward a few years and I was at Millar College of the Bible, Sunnybrae Campus, in beautiful British Columbia. Here, we had a lot of exposure to missionaries and different organizations through speakers at chapels and during our yearly missions conferences. In my 2nd year at Bible College, I went with a group of other students to Mexico for a class on missions. There we learned about contextualization and heard from different missionaries on the field. This is where I again felt God calling me to missions as I was hearing from the different people that God was using to reach people. I felt overwhelmed by the idea and did not know what to do as my next step, all I knew was that I wanted to reach those who had not been reached.

I had already known about Ethnos as we had different missionaries come through the school, but I did not hear about Emanate until my 3rd year. As soon as I heard about Emanate, I knew that this was where God was leading me. I am looking forward to living in Jungle Camp and seeing where God leads me next.

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