Steve: I grew up in a Christian home, but when I was a teenager I got myself mixed up in drugs and alcohol. After 6 years of abuse I hit rock bottom and lost all desire to live. In despair I cried out to God and started secretly reading the Bible. The Lord Jesus soon pulled me out of addiction and hopelessness and gave me life like I have never had before. “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me”. Gal 2:20

Natalie: I was privileged to grow up in a Christian home and I always accepted the truth of the Gospel. In my teenage years God provided close Christian friends to encourage me and keep my eyes fixed on Him. It was through tragic circumstances and the reality of death that I was brought to my knees in true acknowledgement of who God is and why He sent Jesus to die for me. From that point on I grew in my understanding and faith and surrendered my life to His cause.

In 2006, before having children, we went to South Africa for one month to work amongst the Zulu people. This trip was enough to show us the importance of knowing a language and to be able to communicate the truth of the Gospel of Christ. Being able to serve the people was a beautiful and humbling experience but when it came to the crunch we were unable to share the reason why we were there. When we arrived back home we questioned how effective our short term trip had been. Soon after this, God started to grow in us a desire for long term service, a desire to love and live amongst the people and to study God’s word more. Steve soon left his job to go to seminary and there came into contact with missionaries. After talking to them we saw the value of teaching the Bible chronologically and God soon placed in our hearts a desire for tribal people who have been isolated from the gospel. What a privilege it would be to be part of a team who brings God’s word to those who have never heard it in their own language.