Shaun and Melanie grew up worlds apart—Shaun in a remote tribe in Paraguay, Melanie in Wisconsin. What they have in common is both were raised by parents that loved Jesus and wanted others to know Him.

They met while students at the Ethnos360 Bible Institute in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Both arrived at the school with a desire to be used by God among unreached people groups. Shaun had seen firsthand the needs among the least-reached as a “missionary kid”. Melanie had been impacted by short-term mission trips and by the stories of extended family that were missionaries.

In 2003, with two young children in tow, they moved to Paraguay. Their third child was born in Paraguay.

While in Paraguay, they were part of the team engaging in ministry among the Nivaclé people.

It was actually Shaun and Melanie’s children that opened doors for ministry as they lived and played alongside the Nivaclé children daily.

In 2018 God redirected the Humphreys family to the Ethnos campus in Durham, Ontario, where Shaun and Melanie serve in leadership roles. Shaun is the Director of Indiginous Ministries and the Co-Chief Operations Officer. Melanie serves as the Co-director of Human Resources.