During my years at Nipawin Bible College, God began to change my life. First He brought me to a place where I recognized that I had been trying to gain approval from both man and God through my “good Christian” behaviour. As I saw my need, He grew in me a love for Him and I wanted others to have the same joy and relationship with the Lord. Shortly after, I began to learn that not only is God missional, but from the beginning of time, His heart has been for the nations to know Him.

In 2 Corinthians 5:19-20a we see that “God was reconciling the world to Himself…And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” There are people who have never heard that there is a God who loves them! I joined Ethnos because I saw from God’s Word that He has called us to be messengers of His grace and love. This love and joy He has put in my heart, He wants to give to every people group.

Reaching the unreached with the gospel is no easy task. I am in no way qualified for the job. However, I believe that God has invited us to be a part in bringing His gospel to the nations. God does not call the equipped. He equips the called. It is His work. My job is to step out in faith, obeying Him in what He has asked of me.

— Sharmyn Abrahamson