God is building His Church and we all get to play a part.

Both Ryan and Kirsten are pastor’s kids who were taught to value God’s Word at an early age.

Kirsten was born in California, Ryan was raised in Northern Ontario. They met at a Bible camp in Idaho. God wove their paths together and they were married in 2013. God has since added two children to their family.

“During our time in Bible school, we were convinced the part God was asking of us was to help the number of people groups without the gospel to go down. Since getting married in 2013, we have played a part by serving at the Ethnos missionary training centre in Canada. We are so thankful for the dozens of lives God brought our way during our time there who are now serving all over the world. However, the part God is asking of our family is now changing. While we enjoyed the roles we played in Canada, we believe God would have us put the things we have been teaching into practice by moving to Mexico.

Mexico has 68 recognized languages, 63 of which are indigenous languages (wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Mexico). We are trusting God to use our lives to serve one of these indigenous people groups.

Our move to Mexico is fast approaching. We would be lying if we told you we were not tempted to fear the new things ahead. Many questions come to our minds. Will we be able to learn the language and culture? We have been teaching others how to do this. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if we could not do it? Will our kids adjust well? Is all this worth it? Every time we ask ourselves these questions, we are thankful to have something certain and unchanging to come back to – God’s Word. This is something many are still without. Maybe God could use us to bring this incredible resource to those who are without it.

God is building His Church and we all get to play a part. If God is asking this part of us, we can be confident of His work in and through us. He will sustain us through our many questions and the work ahead.”

[Editor’s Note: Kurvits have arrived in Mexico.]