Twenty-two years ago we arrived with our four children in the mountains of Papua New Guinea. As we prayed for direction about where to locate, Luke surveyed various language groups. The Lord showed us many people who were lost and steeped in their ancestral ways and in need of Bible teaching. The Lord burdened us to take the gospel to the Kafe (Kah-fay) tribe.

It took five years of learning their language and culture and translating the Bible teaching
materials. God’s Word was presented, and people came to know the Lord. Then began the work of discipling the believers and helping them to live as followers of Christ. Praise God that He has raised up men and women who love the Lord and desire to serve Him. A local church has been established. Kafe men come prepared each Sunday and Wednesday to teach God’s Word. The women are involved in teaching Sunday School and Youth Programs. Young people are actively involved in the meetings and new youth are coming to Christ.

Even though they had to travel over narrow mountainous roads in torrential rains, the believers have been committed in helping us with outreaches. New believers are sharing with others the importance of having a personal relationship with God’s Son. There are still many more villages needing to hear God’s Word.

It is a privilege to serve the Lord and exciting to see all that He is doing among the Kafe. We thank the Lord for Tracey Bernard our co-worker, who continues working with us. Please pray for continued growth and outreach among the Kafe People.