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My name is Kevin Goertzen and my passion for ministry started when I was 15 years old. It was a volunteer at our church who helped me understand what Jesus Christ did for me, and it was through the discipleship of another volunteer that helped me make a strong connection to my faith, the church, and the ministry of the gospel. Through his one-on-one ministry in my life, I saw the need for purposeful, one-on-one disciple-making ministry in the lives of all believers in every area of church life and ministry.

For generations believers young and old have been leaving the church because they haven’t made a true connection to the Scriptures, to Jesus Christ, or to the Church. And in the wake of this Covid pandemic, we see an incredible loss in personal relationships and attendance to the church because we struggled to respond appropriately. Believers have not discerned the times well and have either walked away from the faith, destroyed their faith, or destroyed relationships because what they believe is more important than unity, and serving one another.

I believe that now more than ever we need to re-establish a stronghold on our faith through the foundational teaching of God’s Word and purposeful accountability through intentional disciple-making in EVERY area of church life. Our kids, our families, our friends, and our neighbours need to hear the gospel taught foundationally and be discipled through it so that we all build deep relationships with God and one another. Developing our faith upon truth, precept upon precept, from the beginning, from the ground up, makes for a solid faith that will not fall.

Many years ago, I was exposed to Ethnos Canada’s foundational disciple-making strategy that seeks to bring all believers on a step-by-step journey that establishes them in Christ and empowers them to make more disciples. My heart’s desire is to share with the Canadian church Ethnos Canada’s step by step approach to building disciples who build churches, and leaders for the proclamation of the gospel, and the glory of God