Amber and John are both missionary kids. Amber grew up in Ecuador and John in Senegal. Both have long known they would be involved sharing God’s love around the world. Long before they met each other, they each became teachers with the idea of using those skills overseas. Now they’re living that dream with their three children in Papua New Guinea. It was an exciting adventure getting to this point.

Even before they began dating, John and Amber each told the other, “I intend to go to the mission field. This won’t work out if we’re not both committed to that.”

A short time after they were married, they began looking for a mission organization. John had long been interested in Papua New Guinea and had visited in 2008 with an eye for returning. However, he wasn’t sure if this would ultimately work out. Regardless, they began praying toward that possibility. In the meantime, Amber was teaching 3rd grade and John taught high school history and French.

In the fall of 2011, John & Amber applied to New Tribes Mission (now Ethnos360). When applying, they told the recruiter that they were teachers interested in serving overseas and were open to serve wherever they were needed.

A couple days later, John received a phone call from an NTM representative that went something like this:

NTM: John, we have a few different opportunities available. The day after you called, one of our teachers informed us he would be unable to return next year. We’ll need a History/French teacher. You speak French, right?  Do you think this would be a possibility?

John: Yes, actually…History and French is what I’m teaching right now. (Mentally: What are the odds of them needing a History/French teacher just when I called?)

NTM: Well, this position is in Papua New Guinea. Would that even be a possibility for you?

John: Yes!  That’s exactly where Amber and I have been praying about. But what about my wife? Are there any elementary positions available?

NTM: Well, there’s a third grade position open right now. Would Amber be interested in teaching third grade?

John: (Stunned silence.) Actually, Amber was just transferred to third grade this year. This would be perfect for her.

And so, with every door swinging wide open, they began the process of formally applying to the mission, filing for visas and raising the monthly financial support required.

Finally, in July 2013, they both began teaching at Numonohi Christian Academy.

Over time, their family has grown. Naomi was born in March 2016 followed by the twins, Micah and Sarah, in December 2017. Amber’s primary ministry is now in the home, while John teaches Social Studies and other classes as needed.

What about this school?

Numonohi is a Christian school in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. It serves about 150 students of different nationalities whose parents are New Tribes missionaries or members of other missions in PNG. Our work as teachers allows the students to receive an accredited education while their parents are serving the people of PNG as church planters, Bible translators, pilots, nurses, etc.

We’re so excited to be part of a team which is reaching people with the Good News.  We’re working along with tribal missionaries, support workers, and those supporting us from the U.S. as one team to accomplish one goal—spreading the Gospel to those who’ve never heard.