Greg and Dawn, after graduating with a degree in Intercultural Studies, began their ministry with Ethnos in Latin America in 1977. After studying Spanish and serving for a year at Ethnos’ support centre, they began their ministry with the Yanomami tribe.

The Yanomami people live deep in the Amazon Rainforest with little or no contact with the outside world. After learning the language of the Yanomamis, the Sanfords carried on a church planting ministry for 12 years.

Since 1991, Greg has served as an Ethnos representative and conference speaker, sharing many of the couple’s experiences among the Yanomami people. Along with his representation responsibilities, Greg serves as US Director of Mobilization and directs Ethnos360’s Wayumi program in Central Pennsylvania. Greg has also travelled in the USA and other parts of the world, giving seminars on the Ethnos’ chronological teaching program to other mission organizations and Bible colleges.

The Sanfords have two daughters, one son, and eight grandchildren. Their oldest daughter, Tammy, and her husband, Jamie, are with Ethnos serving in South America, making her a third generation missionary. Their son Lane, also a third generation missionary, and his wife, Karrie, are serving with Ethnos in Papua New Guinea amongst the Siar people. Their youngest daughter, Wendy, married to Ben Hazen an MK from parents who served Africa, now serve together in youth ministry at a church in Central Pennsylvania.