Ontario, Canada

We are from Ontario. We are taking the Emanate training to prepare for future ministry among the unreached! A few years ago we heard of the need that still exists for people, like ourselves, to be involved in bringing the truth of God’s Word cross-culturally. We’ve always believed that the Great Commission is important, and we have enjoyed supporting missions. But when we heard from Ethnos missionaries and a young lady who grew up as a missionary kid, of the many people groups that still don’t have a Bible in their language, and no access to the gospel in their language, we were surprised at the need there was for people to go minister cross-culturally. We saw that this was something we wanted to spend our lives on. That led us to attend Ethnos360 Bible Institute in Wisconsin with our bunch of girls, and now here at the Emanate training program. We are excited to be moving forward with the goal of spreading the Good News to those who haven’t had the chance to hear, wherever that may be!

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