Hannah was born in California and spent much of here life there. Her dad and mom were both in the Navy so her and her sister lived with their grandparents from age two until age 12. Her grandfather was a pastor with Village Missions and he had a significant impact in Hannah’s life! She accepted Christ at the age of three and can still remember it clearly to this day; it was at a Billy Graham event. After returning to live with her parents, Hannah walked away from her faith as a teenager. The Lord faithfully drew her back, and gently led her into missions to serve as a teacher in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with NTM. She taught for two years before entering NTM’s Bible School in Jackson, MI, in pursuit of going into missions long term. While in Romans class, she was convinced of the lost’s need to hear of Christ’s perfect sacrifice for all mankind.

Garran was born and raised in Colorado. He grew up in the church but never made a conscious decision for the Lord until he was 18. Before that, he got involved with drugs and the New Age movement. It was during this time that God used those simple Sunday School Truths to draw Garran to Himself. It was 4 years later that Garran was in a tough place without a lot of purpose and direction. God, through some friends, led Garran into entering NTM’s Bible School in Jackson, MI. It was while here that Garran was challenged by a chapel speaker with the reality that he was accountable before God with the understanding of the specific need of unreached people groups. It was through this that God placed a burden on Garran’s heart to go to the unreached.

We met in Bible School in 2010 and were married in May of 2013. Our first daughter was born in April of 2014, four months before we entered Emanate (NTM Canada’s missionary training program) in Durham, Ontario. After 1 1/2 years in Canada we became fulltime members of NTM and plan on serving as church planters in Papua New Guinea.