Edwin Esau is on the Executive Leadership Team of Ethnos Canada. Serving as Director of Personnel he provides oversight and encouragement to Ethnos Canada missionaries.

Edwin was born in Manitoba and raised by godly parents on a dairy farm. His passion for serving the Lord was evidenced as he left the farm to prepare for missionary service with Ethnos. Not being able to serve overseas due to his wife’s health, he and Annette served as missionary trainers at the Ethnos Canada missionary training centre for over 21 years. His desire to disciple and teach was fulfilled in preparing missionaries for their service and in his teaching in his local church. Returning to Steinbach in 2005 to provide missionary care with Ethnos Canada gave him opportunity to serve in leadership with his sending church. In 2010 he was asked to serve on the leadership team and returned to Durham, Ontario.

Edwin and Annette live in the town of Durham and have two children who are grown and have their own families.

Ethnos Canada began in 1942 as New Tribes Mission and has become one of the largest mission organizations working in Bible translation and church planting worldwide. It remains committed in its focus to reach unreached people groups that have no access to the Gospel. Today Ethnos has approximately 3,000 missionaries serving together with the national church in 30 nations. By God’s grace a church is being planted amongst a previously unreached people group on average every 45 days, together with a translation of the Bible being completed in their language.