A missionary, translator and educator, Dave Brunn and his wife Nancy spent over twenty years in Papua New Guinea. There they served the Lamogai people through church planting, literacy training and Bible translation. Dave’s completion of the Lamogai translation of the New Testament led to increased responsibilities as a translation consultant, involving him in Bible translation work around the world for many years. In addition, he later took on the role of Dean of Academics for the Ethnos360 missionary training centre for seven years.

Currently, the Brunns reside in Camdenton, MO, where Dave serves as a translation instructor and an International Bible Translation Consultant with Ethnos360. He and Nancy have helped hundreds of students in the US, Canada and Australia prepare for missionary service among remote people groups across the globe.

Dave wrote a clear, readable and informative book on translation which has proved to be of special interest to people who have a serious interest in the Bible – pastors, Bible students, missionaries, translators, Bible study leaders – anyone involved in Christian ministry.

By giving people a better understanding of the process of translation, Dave helps them read and understand Scripture more clearly. His book, One Bible, Many Version (InterVarsity Press), has made him a much sought-after speaker in the areas of mission in general and Bible translation in particular.

Greg Parsons, Global Director of US Center for World Missions, said, Dave has a clear grasp of the difficult issues involving Bible translation, yet he presents them in a way that can be easily understood.