Brent and Jodi Ristau are Ethnos Canada’s only missionaries living in the Yukon Territories. Not only is the Yukon Canada’s most secular region, it also has a diverse representation of 14 indigenous people groups who now largely speak English as their first language.

Brent says, “Our hope is that our intentional discipling of others will result in a multiplication of believers who become established in Christ through foundational Bible teaching. Our prayer is to see the people groups of the Yukon established in Christ.”

Please pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance as Brent and Jodi seek to know which community outside of Whitehorse they should engage with first. Pray for a discipleship and Bible study group in Whitehorse that Brent is facilitating — that they will come to a clear understanding of the gospel and become intentional disciple makers themselves. Pray for Brent and Jodi as they raise and disciple their own three children.

Thank you in advance for praying. Thank you for partnering with us so that one day those that Brent and Jodi are discipling will see thriving churches across the Yukon.