Prayer is a simple yet crucial way any believer can support God’s work of fulfilling the Great Commission.

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God has blessed us with much, but it isn’t for our comfort. Perhaps it is time to give back; support God’s work around the world.

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cloud-choked mountains in Italy

Missionary Assistance Fund

Ethnos missionaries don’t receive a set salary and are subject to fluctuations in support and unexpected expenses. They trust God to support their physical needs through gifts from God’s people.

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western missionary hugging two African missionaries

Equipping National Co-Workers

For 75 years we’ve been working worldwide, but many problems prevent us from sending Ethnos missionaries to every people group that lacks a thriving church. And there’s one answer…

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class at Emanate, Ethnos Canada's missionary training centre

Missionary Training Scholarship

Ethnos’ training equips people to plant churches cross-culturally—learning the culture and language, translating the Bible and teaching evangelistic Bible lessons with the goal of establishing a thriving…

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