The Partner to Partner newsletter helps you see how God is working around the world through your partnership with Ethnos. Besides encouraging stories of transformed lives and updates from the field, each issue presents opportunities and options for you to help accelerate God’s work among the world’s tribal people.


Partner-to-Partner Archives

  • men happy to have the Bible in their own language

Translation Brings Understanding

August 21st, 2019|Comments Off on Translation Brings Understanding

The Partner to Partner quarterly newsletter helps you see how God is working around the world through your partnership with Ethnos Canada and its partners.

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  • Kuna woman reading

Why Do They Need to Read?

May 3rd, 2019|Comments Off on Why Do They Need to Read?

“I can read now. I am no longer like a cow. A cow just walks around and eats, and that is all I used to do. Now I can read; I can learn things.”

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  • missionary woman and her friend speaking

Heart Language Ministries

August 1st, 2018|Comments Off on Heart Language Ministries

“The weather app on my phone was showing a little sun icon with a 39°C beside it. Hmm. Even after living in Thailand over 20 years, I do not relate to Celsius the same as [...]

No Longer from the West to the Rest…

September 20th, 2017|Comments Off on No Longer from the West to the Rest…

Today’s unreached people groups live in remote jungles as well as modern cities. Believers are reaching out, pleading for help with the unreached peoples in their midst.

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  • plane cockpit

Setting Up for Success

June 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Setting Up for Success

With three Kodiaks in Papua New Guinea arriving far more rapidly than we expected, our urgent attention turns to preparation and training for our pilot.

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  • canoe trip

It’s a hard trip, and then it gets harder

March 11th, 2016|Comments Off on It’s a hard trip, and then it gets harder

... but the people have persevered and worked hard, and now have the New Testament in their own language.

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  • A New Testament Translated, Hope Delivered

A New Testament Translated, Hope Delivered

August 1st, 2015|Comments Off on A New Testament Translated, Hope Delivered

This was a celebration 40 years in the making.

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A Modern Day Tower of Babel

September 26th, 2014|Comments Off on A Modern Day Tower of Babel

How do you decide where best to place church planting teams? Find out.

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  • Men with arms over shoulders

Creating a Plan to Impact Eternity

April 1st, 2014|Comments Off on Creating a Plan to Impact Eternity

The fuel that powers missions is the generosity of believers around the world. Depending on the season and circumstances of our lives, this takes different forms.

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  • African Children

Needed: Hearts That Yearn for What God’s Heart Beats for – People Who Have Not Yet Heard!

August 11th, 2013|Comments Off on Needed: Hearts That Yearn for What God’s Heart Beats for – People Who Have Not Yet Heard!

The last tribe can be REACHED. The task is up to this generation, and it is achievable.

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  • PNG man

A Vision that EVERY Tribe Will Hear…

March 11th, 2013|Comments Off on A Vision that EVERY Tribe Will Hear…

NTM USA Chairman Larry Brown is determined that no one remains unreached.

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