In Africa…

“In Senegal this month, there are some young men and women who are studying 60 lessons on God’s story from eternity to eternity,” wrote Theo and Martha Enns. “Our Vision Intégrale* missionary teammates are teaching this as a three-week course, the third module in training Africans to be equipped in cross-cultural evangelism and church-planting.” The goal? To see Africans reaching Africans.

In Alabama…

A continent away, Theo Enns sits at his desk, actively involved in the translation of the training modules into French. Where once he would have needed to live on location in Senegal to translate the training modules effectively, advances in technology have made it possible for him to do so from his home in Alabama.

At this season of their lives, Theo says, “We are enjoying our long-distance ministry to Africa, where we started so many years ago. In this way, we can still participate ‘as part of the Church, serving the Church, to expand the Church.’”

In a Changing World…

We live in a changing world with changing opportunities and changing methodologies, but Ethnos360’s vision of seeing a thriving church for every people group remains strong.

And these training modules for the African church are part of seeing that happen.

Pray for Theo as he embraces the opportunity to expand the training modules. Pray also for the African church as they position themselves to reach out to their own people groups in their changing world.

* The French name used in West Africa for our Ethnos’ global partners.