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No Grit, No Glory

Sometimes tribal peoples’ hearts seem as dry and dusty as the landscape. Ministry can become a discouraging, daily grind. But as Canadian Leah Humphreys discovered, giving up would mean missing out.

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Russell & Carly Kloosterhuis

We are Russell and Carly, two average people attempting something extraordinary with your help. Over 6,000 of the world's people groups do not have access to the Good News. In these people groups, there is [...]

  • Tim Schroder family

Tim & Laurel Schroder

The Lord has laid it on our hearts to go back to Pukapuki in July 2013. There is much work ahead of us with the Pukapuki church in discipleship and translation.

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  • Local boys braid hair

Sticking It Out From the Start

Joanna Kreiger is finding that strength and perseverance are also necessary to becoming a missionary, not just remaining one.

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  • Yerba Mate

Teatime in Paraguay

Tea made from the yerba plant is a huge part of Paraguayan culture.

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  • Young boy crouching on ground

What Are You Doing Today?

As I rub shoulders with missionaries around this world, I am often brought to tears. Their testimonies of incredible obstacles, and yet pressing forward in obedience to God’s call to reach the unreached of this world, are overwhelming.

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