missionary talking to a young boy

Sent by the Church

For over 20 years, representatives from this people group of more than 6,000 have been asking missionaries to bring them “God’s Talk.” Until now, they have remained cut off with neither gospel message nor Bible in their own language.

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More In This Issue

  • missions trip team members pouring a concrete floor for a building

Getting Involved: How One Canadian Church Is Engaged

For decades, Huron Chapel Evangelical Missionary Church, a congregation of around 200 people in Auburn, Ontario, has invested heavily in finishing the Great Commission. 

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  • Moi people learning to read their language

Why Do They Need to Read?

Take a moment to think about how amazing it is that you can decipher these little black marks on white paper into words. Hundreds of languages still have no alphabet and therefore no written form.

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  • sports teammates linking arms

What Are They Doing on This Team?

The way you view the relationship between missionaries and the church might not be biblical.

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  • woman expressing wonder upon learning the truth

Too Moved to Move

As the Akolet people silently absorbed the truth, realization dawned. The spirits they had feared and worshiped for generations didn’t have any power either!

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  • fancy pen writing in cursive

From Our Executive Director

What is amazing is that as the body of Christ—the Church—we have been tasked with taking this message of hope to the nations/ethnos... God wants to use ordinary people like you and me to do extraordinary work.

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Did you know? There are about 6900 languages in the world.
2000 years after John of Patmos wrote Revelation in Greek, 700 years after John Wycliffe translated the Bible into English
Fewer than 2000 of the languages have New Testaments. Only 531 have the complete Bible.
Sadly 87% of Americans think everyone in the world has the Bible! That's one stat we can change. Get the word out! Go to ethnos.ca/translate today!
Give to translation. Watch videos or read stories about translation. Find a specific translation you can help with. $35 pays for one verse.
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AN EXCITED GROUP OF INAPANGS gathered on the first day of teaching, meeting in the U-shaped shelter they built for the occasion. A timeline representing biblical history stretched about 50 yards around the building.

“We are just this last mark in time, but God’s story goes all the way back to the beginning,” said a man who spoke for all those who marvelled at the new revelation.

“Our ancestors didn’t know about all that time back behind us. They didn’t know and so they couldn’t tell us. We didn’t know either until now.”

Their knowledge of God’s story and how it would affect them was just beginning…

Enter into the incredible journey of redemption for the Inapang people. Discover what it takes to reach an unreached people group and rejoice with us as you witness their transformation, from darkness to light!

Get Your Free eBook!
ebook cover for "From Darkness to Light" by David Bell



Bring your group to an OFF THE GRID WEEKEND RETREAT in scenic rural Ontario to gain a glimpse of what it takes to reach the yet unreached peoples of the world.

• LEARN how God is completing the Great Commission.
• EXPERIENCE the challenges of ministering in a foreign culture.
• DISCOVER the team necessary to reach isolated people groups.
• GAIN the focus you need to live a life of eternal impact.

Learn More about Off the Grid

Helicopter Update

Ethnos360 Aviation needs two helicopters for two distinct places: the Philippines and Brazil. Their versatility lends to their utility, but that utility comes at a high price.

As of March 2019, here are the outstanding needs for each one:
Brazil: $1 million of $1.8 million
Philippines: $248,568 of $1.5 million

Support the Brazilian Helicopter Project
Support the Filipino Helicopter Project

In-Kind Donations of Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds

person doing finances on cell phone

If you own publicly traded securities that have increased in value since you purchased them, using them to make your charitable donations can be the most tax effective way to give.
Instead of selling the asset, you transfer it to Ethnos Canada in-kind.
We then sell the gifted asset and provide you an official receipt for income tax purposes.


If you sell the securities and donate the cash, you will pay
tax on 50% of the capital gain.
If you donate the securities in- kind, you will pay no tax on the capital gain, and you will receive a charitable receipt for the market value of the securities.

Contact Our Finance Office to Learn More

Ethnos360 Bible Institute

Study the whole Bible in two years with an emphasis on cross-cultural missions.

Prepare for life and ministry.

Visit e360bible.org

missionary chatting with neighbours in Africa


Emanate is Ethnos Canada’s training program for believers interested in church planting among unreached people groups.

At Emanate, students are equipped as part of a community that is committed to sacrifice, excellence and urgency for the gospel. Teaching from field-proven theory, our trainers have been there and teach from firsthand experience.

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Establishing Thriving Churches Among the Indigenous Peoples in Canada


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