Guahibo people of Colombia

Discipleship Done Well

Plan A should have worked. But getting chased out by guerrillas can put a damper on your aspirations. That’s how it felt as the missionaries watched Plan A evaporate, not knowing when they would see their precious Guahibo brothers and sisters in Christ again.

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More In This Issue

  • people in parkas

Church Planting in Canada Moving Forward

As we move forward by faith with plans to place church planting teams in Canada's north, doors are opening that were not open just a short time ago. Please pray that God would raise up labourers who would join us in the task of reaching Canada’s indigenous people.

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  • students in classroom with teacher

Use Your Teaching Skills in Missions

Read how John and Amber Adams are using their passion for teaching at Numonohi Christian Academy in Papua New Guinea. Here are a few highlights from an interview about their motivation for teaching missionary children on the other side of the world.

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  • Eme, who helped with Bible translation

The Importance of the Book

The Church among the Budik people of Senegal showed little evidence of spiritual life. Then something happened that changed everything. The Budik believers received the New Testament in their own language. May the testimony of the Budik believers remind us not just to hold God's Word, but open it, read it, live it and share it.

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  • people walking in Africa

From Our Executive Director

How do you move in with a people that have no concept of a caring God and hope to see a thriving church established? You do so with the support of church planting consultants equipped with a New Testament model which examines the health and vitality of a church from four different perspectives.

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Allan & Esther Giesbrecht

Allan & Esther served in various ways to develop and support Indigenous Ministries - the Canadian Field of Ethnos Canada among Canada's First Peoples. They are now retired.

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  • Kevin and Stella, Ethnos Canada missionaries to the Philippines

Kevin & Stella Stroud-Lusk

Kevin and Stella Stroud-Lusk serve as Special Education teachers at Faith Academy in the Philippines. They are also ministry partners with a local church in a squatter community.

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Come face to face with realities unknown to most people. See firsthand what it takes to plan a church among people who have no concept of the God of the Bible. Learn from missionaries on the field and spend time with tribal people.

INTERFACE is a six-week college-level course in Papua New Guinea.


  • Motivation for Missions
  • Evangelism and Discipleship
  • Culture and Language Acquisition
  • Critical Issues in Missions
  • Cross-cultural Communications

Internships focused on Field Support and Church Planting ministries are also available.

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Gracia Burnham


Come here Gracia Burnham share her story of faith
in the midst of terror and tradegy.

Events in Canada across British Columbia, Northern Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario.

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