From Indiana to … God’s Choice

What would ever entice a farmer to leave his farm in Indiana to fly airplanes in a Central American country — and then head to the Asia-Pacific region? The only thing that would convince Scott and Mary Wolfe to leave their comfortable home in Indiana with their two young children was the desire to fly airplanes for God … and for NTM Aviation. They wanted to make sure that the gospel of Jesus Christ was spread to the needy world. For over 40 years and 8,500 flying hours (6,000 of them over jungles), Scott was involved in flying missionaries and their children, tribal people, visitors, supplies, literacy materials and Bibles into tribal locations first in Panama and then in the Asia-Pacific region.


Was It Worth It?

Learning at least two other languages, flying on two continents and adjusting to multitudes of cultural twists — was it worth it? According to Scott, “Yes, a thousand times, yes. We had an important part of literally thousands of tribal folks coming to know Jesus Christ, to say nothing of helping in the encouragement of missionaries to stay in there and continue the work of evangelization.”

The missionaries in the Asia-Pacific region also feel that it is worth it. According to Tim and Andrea Ullum, “It would take us 12 to 14 hours to get to the village by car on sometimes very muddy roads, but it is only a one-hour flight with NTM Aviation!”


It’s All About You, Jesus

Whether flying a woman with birthing problems or a 16-year-old youth with cerebral malaria to the hospital, shuttling tribal people to conferences or setting up airstrips for use by the missionaries, Scott realized the goal of NTM Aviation is to see the world reached for Christ. Do you want to be a part of the team taking the Good News to the unreached tribes who will then be able to know Jesus, the Messiah? Are you ready to take your place with NTM Aviation?