Canadians Grant and Marianne Bayfield minister among the Manobo people of Asia Pacific. “There are five literacy classes ongoing, both in [the] village [we are in] and the next one, taught by graduates of previous classes. There are at least a dozen men who take turns reading the Scripture at our Bible teaching times, and they are becoming more and more active in the evangelistic lessons on our porch, commenting and reinforcing truths as the lesson is taught and handling all of the review questions, with a bit of help from Grant on the answers. The high school scholars are not only doing well learning English so they can do well in school, but they’re also showing growth in the devotion times our coworkers have with them and are eager to volunteer when we’re having a prayer time as a church. Pray for Marianne’s Manobo language study and her students’ English study to go well. Pray for Naomi’s development both educationally and socially. We would appreciate prayer for wisdom for Grant as he translates and teaches and for God to plant His Word in people’s hearts to produce fruit in their lives. Connect with Grant and Marianne.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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