A Rocky Start

The foundational Bible teaching among the Nahuatl people of Mexico got off to a rocky start.

It’s not that people didn’t come. People came. In fact, every seat in the meeting hall was filled. And each time they taught, around 30 people showed up.

But then not-so-good things started to happen — at least from a human standpoint.

Lightning and Boiling Water

To start it off, one of the village leaders who was attending was struck by lightning. That couldn’t be a good thing, right? But then he miraculously survived, and no one stopped coming to the meetings. In fact, even new people were showing up, they were hearing God’s Word in their own language for the first time, and it was coming alive to them.

But then trouble hit again. Pete and Liesl Hypki’s son burned himself badly with boiling water and had to be medevaced to town. Teaching was put on hold. It didn’t seem like a good thing on many levels. It wasn’t only his son that was suffering, but also the teaching.

“I’m reminded that just as God is in charge of the work here, just as He will plant His church and care for it and grow it, … He is also in charge of our lives and our family,” Pete wrote during that troubling time. And indeed He is in charge.

God Is in Charge

“The teaching is continuing, despite temporary setbacks,” wrote Katie Moore, the Hypkis’ co-worker. “People are understanding and responding well. Many who are unable to come to the meetings are listening to the audio recordings of the lessons and the Bible at home.”

Pray for the missionary team that they will present the message clearly in a manner that continues to speak to the hearts of the people. Pray for wisdom as they personally visit each family represented at the teaching and have follow-up conversations with them. Pray for lives reached with the gospel message.