Missionary Barrie Williamson met with Lauje Bible teachers and leaders after an inspiring church service to discuss details on the New Testament that has been translated in the Lauje language.

“We talked together about the size of print and line spacing they wanted in the New Testament,” Barrie wrote.

They also discussed what the cover would look like and how many copies to print.

Barrie also heard about the literacy drive and the urgent need to get people involved in teaching and reading.

“I was reeling from the immensity of the workload these men are carrying,” Barrie wrote. “They told me that there are now 60 men teaching through the Bible and discipling others far and wide. They gave a rough figure of 800 families who would be ready to receive a New Testament right now if we printed it today.”

The church service itself consisted of more than 200 Laujes worshipping together.

“I was delighted to see so many young families eager to hear God’s Word and to participate in worship,” Barrie wrote. “I spent a short time sharing about the value of the Word of God and how it is God’s message to us and is for our instruction and encouragement.”

Please pray for the Lauje believers as they share God’s Word with their people.