Two steps forward and one step back. That’s what the process has been like for getting the Cessna 206 to its location and in service in Brazil. Each step of the way seemed to have its own challenges, its own need of rescheduling, its own unknowns.

But the end is in sight. Permissions are granted. The plane is officially registered in Brazil and has been added to the national database. Brazil’s civil aeronautics has sent the Aircraft Registration and Airworthiness Certificate, and now the plane can legally fly in Brazilian airspace.

One more step

But there’s one step more in this journey. Charlie Patton needs to ferry the plane to its city of service, and he returned to Brazil last Saturday to do just that. Please pray for this last leg of the journey which involves a two to three day flight over a lot of jungle. Pray for the pilot, for safety, and for good weather.