Commit to Faithful Men

Commit to Faithful Men

As a church grows and matures to become a thriving church, the development of leadership becomes an integral part of that growth. This issue looks at how faithful men and women are tapped for leadership in a people group in the Philippines. Read how the disciples become the disciplers, and how they push at the edge of their church, reaching out to neighbouring people groups.

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Ethnos Canada 2017 Donor Report

God provided generously for His work through Ethnos Canada in 2017.

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Expediting the Reach of the Gospel through IT

“I don't know of a missionary working on translation in any location that's not dependent on [computers].”

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What Are You Waiting For?

Do you really need more of anything before you can go?

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From our Executive Director

Cross-cultural church planting is exactly like raising children. Okay, maybe they are not exactly alike. As I reflect on how parenting and church planting are the same (and different), two very important aspects come to mind.

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  • Cam and Emily McLean, Ethnos Canada missionaries

Cameron & Emily McLean

Cam and Emily are currently making plans to serve as missionaries together with Ethnos Canada.

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Donovan and Charla Epp

While at Bible school in England, they found out about unreached people groups never having the chance to hear the Word of God. The Lord changed the directions of the Epps from the snowy mountains of Canada to the jungle of the Philippines.

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AN EXCITED GROUP OF INAPANGS gathered on the first day of teaching, meeting in the U-shaped shelter they built for the occasion. A timeline representing biblical history stretched about 50 yards around the building.

“We are just this last mark in time, but God’s story goes all the way back to the beginning,” said a man who spoke for all those who marvelled at the new revelation.

“Our ancestors didn’t know about all that time back behind us. They didn’t know and so they couldn’t tell us. We didn’t know either until now.”

Their knowledge of God’s story and how it would affect them was just beginning…

Enter into the incredible journey of redemption for the Inapang people. Discover what it takes to reach an unreached people group and rejoice with us as you witness their transformation, from darkness to light!

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ebook cover for "From Darkness to Light" by David Bell


Come face to face with realities unknown to most people. See firsthand what it takes to plan a church among people who have no concept of the God of the Bible. Learn from missionaries on the field and spend time with tribal people.

INTERFACE is a six-week college-level course in Papua New Guinea.


  • Motivation for Missions
  • Evangelism and Discipleship
  • Culture and Language Acquisition
  • Critical Issues in Missions
  • Cross-cultural Communications

Internships focused on Field Support and Church Planting ministries are also available.

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Ethnos360 Bible Institute

Study the whole Bible in two years with an emphasis on cross-cultural missions.

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