
As we told you in July, Stephen and Ginger Jordan from the Asia-Pacific Region, wrote that Edmund, one of the church leaders, had passed away. “However, the spiritual battle that followed for his wife, Imelda, and his daughter Estella (the only believers in his family) has been fierce. All the other family members insisted upon a traditional funeral for Edmund.” Imelda did something uncultural: she stopped the burial so the gospel could be shared. Read the full story.

  • Pray for Imelda, Estella and the Agutaynen church.


“‘After 20-odd years (mostly in Mozambique) what are you doing in Cape Town?’ people ask,” wrote Francois and Nadia Hattingh. “In short? Multiplication! We are being positioned to multiply ourselves in training other cross-cultural workers. Will [we] soon see a training centre with our mission organization’s name in big bold letters in front? Probably not. This training is church based. Part of Francois’ job is to connect with churches and pastors to start what we call a ‘trialog’ between us (as Integral Vision), church leadership and the person or family who wants to be trained.” Read the Hattinghs’ full update.

  • Pray for the team as they practice multiplication.


Barry and Denise Spor minister among the Guanano of Brazil/Colombia. One of their joys is to see one of their disciples taking a strong role in teaching. Barry said, “Rey [a Guanano leader] carried a big teaching load over the two weeks, waking up at 2 or 3 am to study, at night studying late to be ready to teach. At the end of the teaching, he came over to our porch just to sit and bask in what had just happened through the unpacking of the Word. … He told me ‘Barry, I go about my day and my mind just keeps replaying the Word all day long! It is enjoyable!’” Read more about God’s work among the Guanano.

  • Pray for Rey and the other teachers in training that they would desire to continue to teach for a lifetime.

Heather Burdett


After a 12-day, filled-to-overflowing orientation, two adult missionary kids are going back to Papua New Guinea to begin working at the Numonohi Christian Academy from which they themselves graduated. One of them is Heather Burdett. And do you know what? She needs to be encouraged in this endeavour. Send her a note to let her know you are praying for her. Are you a teacher? There are many other positions available to teach abroad.

  • Pray for the new teachers at Numonohi Christian Academy including Heather Burdett.


The Emanate students are still in the midst of Jungle Camp — a six week practicum that includes aspects of planning meals, living off the grid, the feelings of isolation such living causes and the teamwork needed to support each other. Jungle Camp Open House was last Saturday, but Off the Grid is coming — August 17-19. Learn more about Off the Grid.

  • Pray that God would use Off the Grid to get people involved in missions.

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