“You can’t talk to God!” the people told the young Wano man. “Nor can you sing His praises!”

The young man smokes. He also chews betel nut. And those are just the most obvious ways his life is imperfect. So the folks from another village told him he couldn’t possibly have a relationship with God.

The young man was confused. Did he have to clean up his life before he could come to God? Or had Jesus already died for him, a sinner?

That’s one of the reasons Tim and Rebecca Ingles and Mike and Libby Wild are getting out to eight Wano hamlets each week to talk with the believers.

When the young man told Tim about his encounter, “we spent the next 30 minutes reviewing the things we have learned and discussing it,” Tim wrote.

Then the young man said, “I know that Jesus died on the cross and completely paid my sin debt for the sins that I have committed and the ones that I will do. I know that it is only through what He did that I can join up with God. I am trusting in Jesus alone to be saved, so I am going to praise God!”

With that, he began a song thanking God for His Word and for opening his heart.

“As I sat there with tears in my eyes, I was just thanking God for the privilege of seeing His Word and His Truth meet up with hungry, new born-again hearts,” Tim wrote.