It’s not National Donut Day.

There are a lot of special days on the calendar. Besides national holidays, there are days like National Day of Prayer and International Literacy Day. Then there are a few days that we kind of wish we could celebrate way more often, like National Donut Day (it’s a thing!). But this June 9 is a day that we want to put a magnifying glass on. June 9, 2019, is the International Day of the Unreached, and we invite you to recognize it with us!

It’s International Day of the Unreached

According to the Church calendar, today is also the day we mark Pentecost. Jesus already had left instructions for His fledgling Church, and this was the day when God sent the Holy Spirit to equip and enable the body of Christ to move outward through times of blessing and times of persecution.

Their mandate was to make disciples of all the nations. And that is still our mandate today. And yet, much remains to be done. We are raising our voices in the best way possible with many other like-minded organizations and communities as we ask the Lord of all Creation to continue to send more workers to the nations.

It’s a Day to Consider the Great Commission

Today on the International Day for the Unreached, will you take a moment to ask the Lord to strengthen the hands of those already working towards this end? And will you ask your heavenly Father to show you more clearly your own role in this great cause? 

Please follow the link below to watch a video that will cement in place why this day is so important, then share it with others and raise your voice with us!