Testimony of hope.

After the death of his daughter Nelda, Salim’s testimony of hope is comforting many.

Nelda was the 5-year-old Mwinika girl who was not taken to the hospital because the decision was in her uncle’s hands, and he chose traditional remedies.

Salim and his wife Tima are comforted by the fact that they know and understand that Heaven will be very different. The hope of no tears, no pain and no hunger in their future home makes their eyes keep shining even in the midst of a deep loss.

“After attending hopeless, heart-wrenching funerals for many years here … we can’t tell you how much it encourages us to have attended Nelda’s funeral,” says Nadia Hattingh, who ministers in Salim’s village.

Salim shared, “We know that death came to this world through Adam’s disobedience. Death is a result of sin, but we know that God has made a Way—only one Way—for us to be redeemed. We can be saved from eternal death! We believe in God’s Way!

“We know that our daughter is with Him now and that all her pain and suffering is over. In that we have great comfort. Only it is very hard for us. We miss our daughter, but we know that she is OK now!”

Let’s pray that this hopeful sadness reaches out and touches many other tribal people who are without hope of eternal life.