A Limited Contact

On June 9, 1950, an NTM-owned DC-3 aircraft flying missionaries to South America crashed into a mountain on the border of Colombia and Venezuela. Although the Yukpa tribal people heard the crash — and later gave direction to the site of the crash — they have yet to hear the gospel message those missionaries were bringing.

An Inspiring Story

As young, new missionaries, Paul and Chabela Keefe were inspired by this story. They wanted to take the gospel message to the Yukpa people — but the area was closed to outsiders.

“For more than twenty years, I had been waiting and hoping to meet the Yukpa people who live high in a mountainous region of northern Colombia,” Paul wrote. And then, this past July, the wait was over. National missionaries moved in among the Yukpas, and Paul had the privilege of visiting. He later wrote, “Meeting the Yukpas was a huge honour.”

For more than twenty years, I had been waiting and hoping to meet the Yukpa people who live high in a mountainous region of northern Colombia.

A People to Reach

Paul’s “waiting” to meet the Yukpa people is over, but the Yukpas still wait to hear the gospel message. And now Paul waits for the day he can meet them again as brothers and sisters in Christ.

yukpa-3The missionaries are working to that goal. One missionary is translating, while another couple is learning the language and culture of their Yukpa friends. They need your prayers.

Pray that this region would remain open to the missionaries. Pray that the work would progress. Pray that one day soon the Yukpas that heard the plane  will also hear the life-saving gospel message for which those missionaries sacrificed their lives.
