“My Mommy is in Heaven”

These words were recently uttered by Anas, a 6-year-old boy from the Moi people group in Asia Pacific. Twelve Moi were travelling to town on the river when suddenly their boat capsized after hitting a log, resulting in five deaths. Three of the causalities were Anas’s father, baby sister, and mother Wameaindo, who was a friend and language helper to missionary Carolyn Crockett.

Moi woman with her first Bible

Wameaindo and her first Bible

Wameaindo’s Legacy

Since the accident, Carolyn has been constantly reminded of the type of woman Wameaindo was. Carolyn said, “I remember asking her in church one day, as she sat down beside me all sweaty from her hike up from her village, if it was hard for her to hike up all the time for church. Wameaindo replied, ‘Are you kidding? I go to bed anticipating the morning when I get to go up and hear God’s Word.’ That’s what she was like: eager to learn more about the Lord and always the first one to answer the questions regarding the Bible teaching.”

Carolyn with Moi children

Anas and Carolyn

Hope in Spite of Despair

Though the Moi people and Stephen and Carolyn Crockett are experiencing a great loss from these five deaths, this tragedy is not a hopeless one. Anas communicated his confidence of seeing his mom again in Heaven one day: “That’s just my mom’s body; she has gone to Heaven to be with Jesus.”

Sepaiye, a friend and language helper of Stephen, was one of the seven survivors. He admitted that he was running from the Lord like Jonah, and this accident changed his heart and renewed his passion for God.

Please pray for the Moi church as they continue to grieve the five who died in the boat accident.

Read the Full Story on Crocketts’ Blog