Among the tribal groups in which New Tribes Mission Mexico is working: Cora, Guarijio, Mixteco, Nahuatl, Northern Tepehuan, Southwestern Tepehuan, Tarahumara and Triqui, most are in need of more missionary coworkers, and ALL are in need of prayer and encouragement.

Chris Baxter, a missionary friend writes:

Many teams are facing serious health needs that are disrupting the work and can easily become a source of discouragement. Those who are translating need wisdom and faithful helpers to see the project through. In some tribes there is a great need for the people to be faithful to what they know and to be willing to face cultural persecution and temptation for the cause of Christ. Much prayer is needed. Three young American families have recently come to the field and there are a number of Mexican nationals in the missionary training program that may soon fill some of these existing needs.

And that’s not all! If there were more people available, we could also reach out to the Metlatonoc, Mixepec, Purépecha, Yaqui and Zapoteco people groups, not to mention the many, many other groups that still need to be reached here in Mexico. The job is not done.

What Jesus said so many years ago rings true today: “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matt. 9:37, 38. Would you pray for more laborers? Would you pray about being one of those laborers?


Maybe you don’t feel called to be a tribal missionary, there are MANY more needs on the mission field. For one, there is a GREAT need for more teachers for the school, Colegio Binimea, in the next year! They are especially in need of a Grade 1 teacher. Do you know of someone or are YOU that someone who could fill a need at the school in Mexico?

Please pray for this vital need to be filled and contact NTMC below if you wish to have a part.

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