The believers are taking on responsibilities of leading and teaching.
Missionary Lindy Drake is rejoicing that the Guanano people are eager to learn some of the skills needed to take over the responsibilities of the church.
The Guananos have an expression for their preparations to assume the responsibility of the church. They call it wahya payo which means to “pour the contents of one container into another container.” The Guananos intend to pour themselves into the work of the church.
Recently Lindy’s wife Carol was asked by Guanano church leader Gustavo to “wahya payo” her knowledge of guitar playing into his son Abel. Carol and fellow missionary Denise Spor have always accompanied the church praise time with their guitars.
Carol began to teach Abel some chords and practicing with him every day. After several weeks she chose five songs that she had practiced with Abel and they played them together during the church service. Pray that Abel will maintain his interest in learning the guitar and will consistently serve the church with his skill.
Gustavo too is preparing to wahya payo to serve the church. Lindy and Gustavo are working on Firm Foundation Bible lessons from the book of Romans. They are working on chapters six through eight and are being challenged by the text where the Lord teaches His people to effectively resist the pull of the old life and live a life of victorious obedience in the power of the Holy Spirit.
“As I study these truths for myself, I feel like the lepers who stumbled onto all that food at a time when they were very, very hungry,” Lindy wrote. “But when I share what the Lord has taught me with Gustavo, who helps me put these thoughts on paper in Guanano, and witness his delight and excitement, the banquet tastes that much sweeter still.”
Since Gustavo spent part of his life in Colombia he has never heard the entire book of Romans. He says, “I am learning new thoughts I have never heard before, and feel like the Lord is giving me effective tools to confront and win the battle over stubborn habits of sin in my life”
Please pray for Gustavo and his son Abel as they learn the skills needed to serve the church. Pray too for the missionaries who serve among the Guananos.